Hillyard carpet Pre-Spray has
earned the Seal of Approval
from the Carpet & Rug
Institute, signifying that it
effectively removes soil
without any damage to the
carpet. The CRI Seal of
Approval is awarded to carpet
cleaning products that pass
stringent tests administered
by an independent, accredited
laboratory. Carpet Pre-Spray
is designed to maximize
cleaning efficiency while
minimizing harmful residue.
Residue causes resoiling,
which increases cleaning
frequency, costing time and
money. Capret Pre-Spray is
diluted at 6 oz. per gallon
of water for pre-spraying and
3 oz. per gallon when used as
an in-tank extraction
cleaner. The recommended
coverage is 500-600 square
feet per diluted gallon. It
comes conveniently packaged
in one gallon containers and
it is available through the
Arsenal dispensing system.
Ask your Hillyard sales
consultant about carpet
Pre-Spray and the entire line
of quality Hillyard Carpet
Solutions. Just another
example of high quality from